Get Involved
Our Kids Our Business, previously known as, SPO-CAN (Spokane Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) Council, has been meeting since 1987 with the intent to prevent rather than treat child abuse.
Anyone is welcome to attend our monthly meetings, and membership for your organization or as an individual is inexpensive and comes with many benefits including:
- Voting rights on business and financial decisions
- Governance on community education campaigns
- Training and networking with over 35 member organizations
- Reduced rates on trainings and networking events
- Eligibility for concrete services for your clients to aid in the prevention of child abuse
Join our Monthly Meetings
For the 2024-25 school year, we are meeting the third Friday of the month from 9-11 am at Vanessa Behan (free parking behind the building). We also have a hybrid option, if you cannot attend in person.
Vanessa Behan
2230 East Sprague Spokane, Washington 99202
Or register to attend via Zoom by clicking this link. You must register in order to attend!
All are welcome. Please join us!